
Model Definition

To define a model create a class based on Model .

The set_parameters() method must specify the space bounds as a list [ [inf1,sup1] , [inf2,sup2], .. ]. If a list of names is specified for certain variables, they can be accessed by name indexing (see varenv()). The parameters for which the name is not specified are called automatically var<n>. After the model initialization model.names will contain all the names.

from ensnest import model

class MyModel(model.Model):

        def set_parameters(self,*args):
                self.bounds = [[0,1], [0,1], [0,42]]
                self.names  = ['A','mu','sigma']

Other args passed when the instance is created are automatically passed to set_parameters, so

class MyModel(model.Model):

        def set_parameters(self, data, flag=False ):
                self.bounds = [[0,1], [0,1], [0,42]]
                self.names = ['A', 'mu', 'sigma']
       = data
                self.flag = flag

M = MyModel([0.1, 0.2, 0.4], flag=True)

is fine.

The logarithm of likelihood and prior have to be specified as:

# ...
def log_prior(self, var):

The log_prior() and log_likelihood() methods must be capable to manage (*, space_dim)-shaped arrays and return a (*)-shaped array.

If names are not specified, all operations must be preformed over the last axis.

def log_prior(self,var):
        return -0.5*np.sum(var**2, axis = -1)

If names are specified, it is possible to use ensnest.model.Model.varenv():

def log_prior(self,var):
        return -(var['A'] -[0])**2 - var['mu']**2

Finally, to automatically bound a function inside the model domain use the auto_bound() decorator:

def log_prior(self,var):
        return -(var['A'] -[0])**2 - var['mu']**2


varenv must be the first decorator applied

The data type used in the models is ['position', 'logL', 'logP']

>>> var['position']['A'][time,walker]
>>> var['logL'][time,walker]

in case it is necessary to reduce the data structure use numpy.lib.recfunctions.structured_to_unstructured or numpy.view().

Samplers usage

The available samplers are contained in samplers module. The first argument is a model.Model subclass instance. The second argument is the chain length.

>>> from ensnest import sampler
>>> sampler = sampler.AIESampler(MyModel(), 500 , nwalkers=100)

To sample a function, define it as a log_prior and use sample_prior method of a Sampler subclass. After the chain is filled it is accessible as an attribute:

>>> samples = sampler.chain

To join the chains of each particle after removing a burn_in use:

>>> samples = sampler.join_chains(burn_in = 0.3)

Nested Sampling usage

After having defined a model, create an instance of ensnest.NestedSampling.NestedSampler specifying:

  1. the model

  2. the number of live points

  3. the number of sampling steps the live points undergo before getting accepted

Other options are:

  • npoints stops the computation after having generated a fixed number of points

  • relative_precision

  • load_old loads the save of the same run (if it exists). If filename is not specified, an almost unique code for the run is generated based on the features of the model and the NSampler run

  • filename to specify a save file

  • evo_progress to display the progress bar for the evolution process

The run is performed by, after that every computed feature is stored as an attribute of the nested sampler:

ns = NestedSampler(M, nlive=1000, evosteps=1000, load_old=False)
print(ns.Z, ns.Z_error, ns.points)

Multiprocess Nested Sampling

It is performed by mpNestedSampler. The arguments are the same of NestedSampler.

Runs multiprocessing.cpu_count() copies of nested sampling, then merges them using the dynamic nested sampling merge algorithm.

After running, the instance contains the merged computed variables (logX, logZ, ecc.) and the single run variables through nested_samplers attribute:

mpns = mpNestedSampler(model_, nlive=500, evosteps=1200, load_old=False)
print(f'Z = {mpns.Z} +- {mpns.Z_error})
single_runs = mpns.nested_samplers
for ns in single_runs:
        print(f'Z = {ns.Z} +- {ns.Z_error})

Diffusive Nested Sampling

It is performed by DiffusiveNestedSampler. The main parameters are the Model chain_length before a level is added, nlive of points the ensemble is made of and max_n_levels.

>>> dns = DiffusiveNestedSampler(M, nlive=200, max_n_levels=100, chain_length=200)

The resolution in prior mass can be adjusted specifying dns.Xratio after the sampler is initialised.


In stdplots are contained some shorthands for plotting the results for NS/mpNS/DNS runs.